Krišjānis Určs
Join my UX and Service Design mentoring program! With over a decade of experience, I offer personalized guidance to elevate your skills. Let's innovate and take your design journey to the next level!
Krišjānis Určs
Senior UX Designer, Service Design & Technology Lecturer, Startup Mentor uzņēmumā If Insurance, SDSI, INO
gadu pieredze
Bezmaksas iepazīšanās sesija
Maksājumu karte nav nepieciešama

Ieplāno bezmaksas zvanu ar mentoru, lai iepazītos ar mentoringa plānu un uzzinātu vairāk par mentoru. Reģistrējies bez maksas un bez saistībām. Maksā tikai tad, kad esi pārliecināts, ka šis mentors atbilst Tavām vajadzībām.

Par mentoru

As a seasoned UX and Service Designer with more than 10-year experience, I've played a pivotal role in crafting transformative user experiences for a leading insurance firm, ensuring our customers benefit from intuitive and superior interfaces and services.

Alongside my corporate role, I'm honored to impart my knowledge as an innovative technology lecturer for Master's students, equipping the next generation of design leaders with the skills and insights they need to thrive.

Additionally, my passion for fostering new talent and ideas extends to mentoring startups, guiding them through the intricate journey of building successful businesses.

Mentors pārzina
Mentoringa apraksts

This mentoring plan is designed for both beginners and professionals in UX and Service Design. It covers fundamental principles, user research, design techniques, service design, testing and iteration, and career development.

Beginners will be introduced to key concepts, user research basics, wireframing, prototyping, and basic design principles. They will learn to create personas, empathy maps, service blueprints, and customer journey maps. Testing basics and iterative design will be covered to help them refine their projects. For career development, beginners will receive guidance on building portfolios, networking, and job searching.

Professionals will explore advanced principles and industry trends, delve into advanced user research methods, and enhance their skills in prototyping, design systems, and usability testing. They will study advanced service design techniques and strategies for integrating design with business goals. Testing methods, data-driven design decisions, personal branding, continuing education, and mentoring others will also be addressed.

This flexible plan allows mentees to jump into the specific areas they need help with, ensuring personalized guidance aligned with their goals. Various tools and resources will be recommended throughout the mentoring process to support their learning and development.

Iepazīsties ar citiem mentoriem

Elīna Olekša
Elīna Olekša
UI/UX Designer, Program Manager and Lecturer
Grafiskais Dizains
Līva Pilvere
Līva Pilvere
Senior UX/UI Designer & Design Team lead

Vai esi gatavs paātrināt savu profesionālo izaugsmi?

Kā mentors var palīdzēt?

Pēc bezmaksas iepazīšanās sarunas rezervē regulāras sesijas ar izvēlēto mentoru. Kopā ar mentoru tiks sastādīts ilgtermiņa plāns atbilstoši Taviem mērķiem.

Nepārtraukts atbalsts

Izvēlētais mentorēšanas plāns dos Tev iespēju uzdot neierobežotu skaitu jautājumu. Mentors sniegs atbildes uz visiem Taviem jautājumiem, kad tas būs nepieciešams.

Saglabā disciplīnu

Mentors Tev palīdzēs strādāt pareizajā virzienā ar izvirzītajiem mērķiem un saglabāt motivāciju.

Lietotāja profils vēl nav aktivizēts

Mēģini šo lapu apmeklēt vēlāk
Doties uz sākumlapu